Tuesday, February 25, 2014


  A= Aorta
  PA= Pulmonary Artery
  RA= Right Atrium
  RV= right Ventricle

Saturday, February 15, 2014


is a radiologic procedure to investigate the shape of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes. It entails the injection of a radio-opaque material into the cervical canal and usually fluoroscopy with image intensification. A normal result shows the filling of the uterine cavity and the bilateral filling of the fallopian tube with the injection material

Indications of HSG :
Infertility .
congenital uterine malformation .
pelvic pain .
Post operative for assessment of uterine cavity ....
Irregular vaginal bleeding.
Uterine fibroid .
Thickened or irregular endometrium.
Irregular menstrual cycle